Looking to procure a Hasselblad Flextight X5

Buyer From Lithuania

Product Category: Computer & IT
Buy Quantity: 1 Piece

Requirement Details

We are looking to procure a Hasselblad Flextight X5 or Imacon 949 scanner. The ideal product should be in pristine condition with minimal usage, having been recently serviced by an authorized technician.

It should come complete with all original holders for both 35mm and medium format films, as well as the original focus calibration target.

We are ready to purchase one unit and welcome quotations from interested manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters. For further details and offers, please reach out to us via direct message.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Lithuania
Company Name: Vvinc xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Domin xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +370620 xxxxxx

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