Buy Requirement for HDPE 55 Gallons Drum Regrind

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Buy Quantity: 20 Metric Ton
Shipping Terms: Fas USA port

Requirement Details

We're seeking manufacturers or suppliers who can provide us with HDPE 55 gallons drum regrind. Here are the details of our buy requirement:

  • Product Name: HDPE 55 gallons drum regrind
  • Buyer Country: United States
  • Product or Business Line: Rubber & Plastic Products
  • Quantity: 20 Metric Tons

Packing Terms:

  • Packed according to industry standards
  • Securely packaged to prevent damage during transit

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Aarir xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Hetal xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +131234 xxxxxx

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