Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products

Buyer From Saudi Arabia

Product Category: Health & Medical
Buy Quantity: 1 Pieces
Packing Terms: Negotiable
Shipping Terms: Door to door

Requirement Details

Buyer Details:

  • Country: Saudi Arabia
  • Product Category: Health & Medical
  • Quantity: 1 Piece
  • Packing Terms: Negotiable

Purchase Specifications: We need Huggies Baby Products including diapers, wet wipes, shampoo, liquid soap, protective cream, and more. Quantity for each product is negotiable.

Product Details:

  1. Huggies Diapers: All sizes/varieties (Extra Care, Pants, Culottes, Little Swimmers, DryNites Pyjama Pants) - Quantity negotiable.
  2. Huggies Wet Wipes: All sizes/varieties (Pure, Natural Care) - Quantity negotiable.
  3. Other Huggies Products: Various items including Shampoo, Liquid Soap, Protective Cream, Baby Bib, etc. - Quantity negotiable.

Additional Information: Any other Huggies products are also welcome. We eagerly await your quotations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Saudi Arabia
Company Name: Illa xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Abdur xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +966539 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products
  • Buy Requirement - Huggies Baby Products

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