Buy Requirement for ICUMSA45/100/600

Buyer From Singapore

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 5000 Metric Ton
Packing Terms: 50 KG BAG/BULK
Shipping Terms: CIF

Requirement Details

Product Requirement:

  • Product Name: ICUMSA45/100/600
  • Quantity: 5000 Metric Ton
  • Packaging: 50 KG BAG/BULK

Buyer Details:

  • Buyer Country: Singapore
  • Business Line: Agro & Agriculture

Purchase Specifications:

  • Seeking ICUMSA 45/100/600 for African markets
  • Long-term contract possibility

Purchase Criteria:

  • CIF Mombasa terms required
  • Payment by L/C

Request for Quotation (RFQ) Details:

  • B2B buying needs for sugar supply
  • Business-to-business sourcing preferences for sugar commodities
  • B2B purchasing priorities for sugar products

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Singapore
Company Name: Akia xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Pravi xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +659368 xxxxxx

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