Buy Requirement - Injection Pump

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Automotive & Automobile
Buy Quantity: 4 Piece

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in the United Kingdom, looking for Injection Pumps in the field of Automotive & Automobile. Our specific requirement includes:

Purchase Specifications: We need diesel pump elements suitable for the Benz Sprinter W903, 1997 model. Alternatively, we are also interested in a Complete Injection Pump with the following specifications:

  • Brand: Bosch
  • Model: PES 4M 55C 320 RS152-3
  • Part Number: 0400074936
  • OEM Number: 6010700501 ER 0006
  • Application: For the same Benz Sprinter W903, 1997 model

Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters capable of fulfilling this requirement are invited to provide us with a quotation. Please include product details, pricing, and any relevant terms. We appreciate your prompt response.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name: Indiv xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Sydne xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +447707 xxxxxx

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