Buy Requirement for Iron Ore from Kazakhstan

Buyer From Kazakhstan

Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
Buy Quantity: 1000000 Tons
Shipping Terms: the buyer pays for the delivery himself

Requirement Details

We want to buy iron ore from Kazakhstan. We need a huge amount – 1,000,000 tons to be precise. The iron ore should be good quality, ready for use. We want to make a deal with manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide us with this product.

Details of the Purchase:
  • Product Name: Iron Ore from Kazakhstan
  • Buyer Country: Kazakhstan
  • Product Category: Minerals & Raw Materials
  • Quantity Needed: 1,000,000 tons
  • Packing Terms: To be discussed.
Additional Information:
We are a buyer located in Kazakhstan and can arrange for transportation. After placing the order, we expect deliveries of a minimum of 50,000 tons, up to a maximum of 100,000 tons per month. We're looking for reliable suppliers who can meet our needs.

If you can fulfill this request, please provide us with a quotation for the iron ore from Kazakhstan. We're eager to do business with you.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Kazakhstan
Company Name: Temir xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Margu xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +770023 xxxxxx

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