Purchase Requirement for Manufacturers & Suppliers

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Textiles Leather & Jute
Buy Quantity: 100 Pieces
Packing Terms: Will discuss together
Shipping Terms: UK

Requirement Details

We're seeking manufacturers or suppliers to provide a quotation for the following product requirements:

Product Name: Luxurious Prayer Mats

Buyer Information:

  • Country: United Kingdom
  • Product/Business Line: Textiles Leather & Jute
  • Quantity: 100 Pieces

Purchase Specifications:

  • We need high-quality Turkish prayer mats.
  • Suppliers should have the capability to add padding and offer contemporary designs.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name: Rafah xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Sarme xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +440749 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Purchase Requirement for Manufacturers & Suppliers

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