RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Martor Knife 116001

Buyer From India

Product Category: Tools & Hardware
Packing Terms: Ensure sturdy and safe packaging to avoid damage during transit.

Requirement Details

Purchase Requirement Details
  • Product Name: Martor knife 116001
  • Buyer Country: India
  • Quantity: 25 Units per month
  • Buyer From: India
  • Usage: For industrial needs
  • Urgency: Immediate requirement
Packing Terms
  • Ensure sturdy and safe packaging to avoid damage during transit.
Purchase Criteria
  • On-Time Delivery: Timely delivery is crucial to meet our industrial schedules.
  • Competitive Price: We are looking for suppliers who can offer competitive prices.
  • Quality: High-quality products are essential to meet our industrial standards.
Additional Requirements
  • We also need a supplier for other hardware items as required by our industry.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Sstra xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Umed xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919950 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • RFQ (Request for Quotation) for Martor Knife 116001

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