Buy Requirement - Model HSD-1000 316L Stainless Steel

Buyer From Indonesia

Product Category: Automotive & Automobile
Buy Quantity: 1 Units

Requirement Details

Purchase Specifications:

  • Seeking Model HSD-1000 316L stainless steel drying machine.
  • Must meet industry standards for automotive applications.
  • Quality assurance is required for optimal performance.

Purchase Criteria:

  • The product must be durable and long-lasting.
  • Efficiency and reliability are essential.
  • Compatibility with existing systems preferred.

B2B Buying Needs:

  • Timely delivery is crucial.
  • Competitive pricing within budget constraints.
  • Open to negotiation for favorable terms.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Indonesia
Company Name: Pt Va xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Frans xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +628126 xxxxxx

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