Buy Requirement for Molds for Hinges

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Tools & Hardware
Buy Quantity: 5 Pieces

Requirement Details

We are looking for molds for hinges. We are in Bangladesh, and we need these molds for our production factory. We make hardware and furniture, and these molds will help us create high-quality hinges for our products.

Buyer Details:
  • Buyer Country: Bangladesh
  • Product or Business Line: Tools & Hardware
  • Quantity Needed: 5 Pieces
Purchase Details:
We are seeking molds for hinges to enhance our production capabilities. We are starting our own production factory in Bangladesh and require these molds to ensure the quality of our hardware and furniture products.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name: Hak I xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: indre xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +880175 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for Molds for Hinges

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