Buy Requirement for Mustard Seeds

Buyer From India

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 100 Tons

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase a significant amount of mustard seeds for our business in India. We need 100 tons of these seeds. Mustard seeds are essential for our Agro & Agriculture line of products. We require suppliers, manufacturers, or exporters to provide us with quotations for this purchase.

Purchase Specifications:
We need high-quality mustard seeds that meet our standards. These seeds should be clean, free from impurities, and have good germination potential.

Packing Terms:
We are open to different packing options. Please provide details of your packaging options when submitting your quotation.

Buyer From: India
We are based in India and are seeking reliable suppliers to fulfill our mustard seed requirement.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Rlrv xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: rosha xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919650 xxxxxx

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