Request for Quotation for Neomycin Sulfate Cream 10gm

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Health & Medical
Buy Quantity: 1500 Pieces

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Bangladesh looking for a reliable manufacturer or supplier to provide Neomycin sulfate cream 10gm for tender purposes. We need 1,500 pieces delivered to either Dhaka or Cox's Bazar.

Product Requirement:
-    Product Name: Neomycin sulfate cream 10gm
-    Quantity: 1,500 pieces
-    Purpose: Tender requirement
-    Delivery Location: Dhaka or Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh
-    Packaging: Suppliers should specify packaging details suitable for bulk delivery.

Quotation Requirements:
-    Please provide competitive pricing for the required quantity.
-    Clearly mention delivery lead times to Bangladesh.
-    Include any terms of payment and shipment options.
-    Ensure compliance with applicable regulatory and quality standards for pharmaceutical products.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name:
Arish xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Mizan xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+880178 xxxxxx

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