Buy Requirement - Oil Cooler Ass'y for Samsung Air Compressor

Buyer From Oman

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 4 Pieces
Packing Terms: usual
Shipping Terms: DPU

Requirement Details

We're looking to purchase Oil Cooler Ass'y for Samsung Air Compressor.


  • Product Name: Oil Cooler Ass'y for Samsung Air Compressor
  • Quantity: 4 Pieces
  • Packing Terms: Usual


  • Unit price and total price of each item.
  • Delivery time to Muscat, Al Maabelah city.
  • Delivery Terms: Oman – Muscat.
  • Validity time of the quote.
  • Warranty terms.
  • Payment terms.
  • Date sheet/ Technical specifications.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Oman
Company Name: Fast xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Yousu xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +968716 xxxxxx

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