Purchase Requirement for Oral-B Personal Care

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Health & Medical

Requirement Details

Product Name: Oral-B Personal Care

Buyer Country: United States

Product or Business Line: Health & Medical

Quantity: 5000 Units

Purchase Specification:

  • Seeking 5000 units of Oral-B Personal Care products.
  • Specifically interested in oral care products under the Oral-B brand.
  • Prefer products suitable for personal use.

Purchase Criteria:

  • Products must be genuine Oral-B brand.
  • Quality assurance and compliance with health standards are essential.
  • Seeking competitive pricing for bulk purchases.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Rp Ko xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Leah xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +191781 xxxxxx

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