Buy Requirement for Pipe Grooving Machine

Buyer From Ghana

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 1 Boxes
Packing Terms: payment on delivery

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase a Pipe Grooving machine for our business in Ghana. Our company, Gyatco Metal Works, needs a machine that can groove pipes ranging from 1" to 12". We require one box of the Pipe Grooving machine.

The preferred packing terms for this purchase are payment on delivery. As a buyer in the Machinery and Industrial Supplies sector, we invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide quotations for the specified product.

Purchase Details:

  • Product Name: Pipe Grooving Machine
  • Buyer Country: Ghana
  • Company Name: Gyatco Metal Works
  • Quantity: 1 Box
  • Pipe Size: 1" to 12"
  • Packing Terms: Payment on Delivery

RFQ (Request for Quotation): We are interested in receiving competitive and transparent quotations from reliable manufacturers and suppliers. Please provide details on product specifications, pricing, and delivery terms. Your prompt response is appreciated.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Ghana
Company Name: Gyatc xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Magnu xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +233055 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for Pipe Grooving Machine

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