Buy Requirement - Pmma acrylic off grade, off cut, scraps

Buyer From Malaysia

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Buy Quantity: 100 Tons
Packing Terms: Jumbo bag, pallets wooden
Shipping Terms: Cnf port klang

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in Malaysia looking for Pmma acrylic off-grade, off-cut, scraps. We are in the Rubber & Plastic Products business line and have a monthly requirement of 100 tons. The preferred packing terms include jumbo bags and wooden pallets.

Purchase Specifications: We need Pmma acrylic off-grade, off-cut, and scraps for our manufacturing needs. The product should meet our quality standards to ensure it aligns with our production requirements. We prefer bulk quantities, and the packaging should be done in jumbo bags with wooden pallets.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Malaysia
Company Name: Acryl xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Rudy xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +601933 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Pmma acrylic off grade, off cut, scraps
  • Buy Requirement - Pmma acrylic off grade, off cut, scraps
  • Buy Requirement - Pmma acrylic off grade, off cut, scraps
  • Buy Requirement - Pmma acrylic off grade, off cut, scraps

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