Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand

Buyer From Algeria

Product Category: Health & Medical
Buy Quantity: 5000 Pieces

Requirement Details

We, a buyer from Algeria, are in search of skincare products from Precious Skin Thailand. Our interest lies in purchasing cosmetics from Thailand. The product we are specifically looking for is named Precious Skin Thailand. We require 5000 pieces under the Health & Medical category. The packaging terms are open for discussion.

Purchase Specifications: We seek high-quality skincare products under the brand Precious Skin Thailand for our market in Algeria. The products should meet health and medical standards.

Purchase Criteria: The chosen products must be from the specified brand, and compliance with health and medical regulations is a priority. We aim to establish a long-term partnership with reliable suppliers.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Algeria
Company Name: Beaut xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: omar xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +213055 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand
  • Buy Requirement - Precious Skin Thailand

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