Buy Requirement for Precision Miniparts

Buyer From Uzbekistan

Product Category: Rubber & Plastic Products
Buy Quantity: 60000 Pieces
Packing Terms: Nil
Shipping Terms: FOB OR EX-WORK

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase Precision Miniparts for our business in Uzbekistan. These parts are essential for our Rubber & Plastic Products line. We need a total of 60,000 Pieces of Precision Miniparts. There are no specific packing terms required for this purchase.

Purchase Specifications:

We require the following Precision Miniparts:

  • Specific Packings
  • Gaskets (made of rubber, foam, cork, etc.)
  • O-Rings
  • Boot Hoses
  • Extruded & Colored Parts
  • Composites
  • Other Molded Parts

Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide these Precision Miniparts are invited to submit their quotations or proposals.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Uzbekistan
Company Name: Imk & xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ibrah xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +998712 xxxxxx

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