Buy Requirement for Raw Pet Coke

Buyer From United Arab Emirates

Product Category: Chemicals

Requirement Details

We, a company based in the United Arab Emirates, seek to procure 50,000 tons of Raw Pet Coke for our chemical business line. Here are our specific requirements:

  • Product Name: Raw Pet Coke
  • Quantity: 50,000 tons
  • Buyer Country: United Arab Emirates
  • Calorific Value Requirement: Above 8000 kcal/kg
Purchase Specifications:
  • The Raw Pet Coke should have a calorific value exceeding 8000 kcal/kg.
Packing Terms:
  • Please provide details regarding packing terms upon quotation submission.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Arab Emirates
Company Name: Jomak xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Dipan xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +971563 xxxxxx

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