Product Requirement - Red kidney beans, green peas, broad beans

Buyer From Yemen

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 150000 Boxes
Packing Terms: cartons
Shipping Terms: logistic

Requirement Details

Buyer Details:
  • Country: Yemen
  • Industry: Food & Beverage
  • Quantity: 150,000 Boxes
  • Packing Terms: Cartons
Purchase Specifications:
  • Broad Beans: 24*400g cartons, quantity 90,000, normal lid
  • Red Kidney Beans: 24*400g cartons, quantity 30,000, normal lid
  • Green Peas: 24*400g cartons, quantity 30,000, normal lid
  • Payment Term: LC (Letter of Credit)
  • Destination Port: Salalah Port
Request for Quotation (RFQ):
  • Manufacturers and Suppliers are invited to provide quotations for the stated product requirements.
  • Please ensure compliance with the specified packing terms and payment method.
  • Kindly include detailed pricing, delivery terms, and any additional terms or conditions.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Yemen
Company Name: Yemen xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Husse xxxxxxxx
Company Address: Build xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +967775 xxxxxx

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