Buy Requirement for Red Mercury Liquid

Buyer From India

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 34 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Should be safe
Shipping Terms: By sea

Requirement Details

We are actively seeking quotations from manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters for the purchase of Red Mercury Liquid. Kindly provide detailed pricing information and specify the estimated delivery time to the buyer's location in India. The preferred packaging should prioritize safety to ensure the product's integrity upon arrival.

Buyer Country: India

Product Name: Red Mercury Liquid

Business Line: Chemicals

Quantity Needed: 34 Kilograms

Packing Requirements: The product packaging must ensure safety during transportation and storage.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Ganes xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Dines xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +917259 xxxxxx

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