Request for Quotation (RFQ) - A4 Copier Paper

Buyer From India

Product Category: Paper, Printing & Packaging
Buy Quantity: 7800 Units

Requirement Details

We have a purchase requirement and invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to submit their quotations for the following product:

  • Product Name: A4 Copier Paper
  • Buyer Location: India
  • Quantity: 7,800 units
  • Port of Delivery: Kolkata Port, India
  • We are looking for A4 and A3 copier paper.
  • Suppliers should quote for 1 full container.
  • Packaging and shipping should be suitable for large bulk orders.
  • Suppliers should provide complete product details, including paper quality and pricing.

Please provide your best offer and detailed product information for A4 and A3 copier paper.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name:
Jagdi xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
piyus xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+917008 xxxxxx

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