RFQ - Request for Quotation for Cooking Oil CP8

Buyer From Ghana

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 95 Tons
Packing Terms: 20litres
Shipping Terms: CIF

Requirement Details

Product Requirement:
-    Product Name: Cooking Oil CP8
-    Quantity Required: 95 Tons
-    Packaging Details: 20-liter containers, white and transparent.
-    Destination Port: CIF (Cost, Insurance, and Freight) Banjul, The Gambia.
-    Buyer Country: Ghana

Key Requirements for Quotation:
-    Please provide a detailed quotation for Cooking Oil CP8.
-    Include all applicable charges (CIF) to Banjul, The Gambia.
-    Provide transshipment time or duration.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Ghana
Company Name:
Dotco xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Mbye xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+233020 xxxxxx

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