RFQ for All Petroleum Products

Buyer From Russia

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 500000 Metric Tons
Shipping Terms: Pipeline injection

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: All Petroleum Products
-     Buyer From: Russia
    Quantity: 500,000 Metric Tons
    Packing Terms: To be discussed

We are seeking to purchase various petroleum products. The following details outline our requirements and conditions:

Product Specifications:
We require all types of petroleum products. Specific details can be provided upon request.

Purchase Criteria:
    Capable suppliers who can meet our quantity needs.
    Compliance with international standards.
    Products must pass SGS or equivalent inspections.

Sourcing Preferences:
    Suppliers based in Rotterdam, Houston, Fujairah, and Media B ports are encouraged to respond.
    We are looking for suppliers who can provide petroleum products on an FOB/CIF basis.

Quotation Request:
    Interested manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters should provide a detailed quotation including price, delivery terms, and payment options.
    All proposals must include certification of compliance with international quality standards.

We are ready to proceed with capable buyers who are serious about fulfilling this requirement. A soft corporate offer can be issued upon request.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Russia
Company Name:
Vosto xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Lipki xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+707977 xxxxxx

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