RFQ for Energy Products

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 20000 Tons

Requirement Details

  • Product Name: Energy Products
  • Buyer Country: United States
  • Product or Business Line: Energy & Power
  • Quantity: 20,000 Tons

Purchase Specifications:

  • Grade: High-quality, meeting industry standards
  • Type: Renewable or conventional, specify in quotation
  • Packaging: Secure, suitable for transportation

Purchase Criteria:

  • Quality: Consistent and reliable
  • Price: Competitive, with a transparent breakdown
  • Delivery: Timely and efficient
  • Compliance: Certifications and regulations adhered to

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Sk En xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Kim T xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +191999 xxxxxx

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