RFQ for A4 Copy Paper 80gsm (Buyer from United Kingdom)

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Office Supplies
Buy Quantity: 8000 Packs

Requirement Details

We seek quotations from manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to purchase A4 Copy Paper 80gsm. Please provide a quotation for the following product requirement:

Product Name: A4 Copy Paper 80gsm

-    8000 Packs
-    Each pack contains 500 sheets.
-    Paper must be Brightwhite and suitable for both photocopiers and laser printers.

Packaging Requirements:
-    All packs should be securely packed for safe shipment to the United Kingdom.

Shipping Terms:
-    Shipped to the United Kingdom.

Product Specifications:
-    Similar products to the attached image are accepted.

Interested suppliers should include the following in their quotation:
-    Unit price
-    Total price for the quantity specified
-    Shipping cost to the UK
-    Estimated delivery time

Please send your quotations as soon as possible.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name:
Direc xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
steve xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+440000 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • RFQ for A4 Copy Paper 80gsm (Buyer from United Kingdom)

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