Request for Quotation (RFQ) – Parchment Paper

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Paper, Printing & Packaging
Buy Quantity: 5000 Pieces

Requirement Details

We would like to ask for quotations for the supply of A1 size parchment/greaseproof paper. Below are the specific requirements:

-    Product Name: Parchment Paper
-    Buyer Location: United Kingdom
-    Quantity: 5,000 pieces
-    Print Requirement: Full vivid color print using custom designs
-    Ink Preference: UV inks preferred
-    Packing Terms: Please specify in your quote

We invite Manufacturers, Suppliers, or Exporters to provide a quotation that includes:
-    Pricing for 5,000 pieces
-    Lead time for production and delivery
-    Packaging details
-    Shipping options to the United Kingdom

Please ensure the parchment paper meets standards and is suitable for full-color printing. We are open to reviewing offers from global suppliers who can meet these requirements.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name:
Ascha xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Joann xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+447432 xxxxxx

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