RFQ for Muti Color Ear Accessories and Bracelets

Buyer From Pakistan

Product Category: Apparel & Fashion

Requirement Details

Buyer Information:
-    Buyer From: Pakistan

Product Details:
-    Product Name: Muti color ear accessories and bracelets
-    Quantity Required: 5 Pieces

Packing Terms:
-    The items should be attractively packed.
-    The packaging should ensure the products are safe during transit.
-    Parcel packing should be good to avoid any damage.

Request for Quotation:
-    We invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide a quotation for the mentioned products.
-    Ensure the quotation includes all relevant details such as price per unit, total cost, delivery timeline, and payment terms.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Pakistan
Company Name:
Trend xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Asia xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+920331 xxxxxx

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