Buy Requirement for Royal Honey

Buyer From Czech Republic

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 5 Boxes

Requirement Details

We are a buyer located in the Czech Republic, seeking reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters of Royal Honey. Our interest lies in acquiring Royal Honey VIP from Malaysia or Turkey. This is a long-term partnership opportunity, and we are initially looking to purchase 5 boxes. If the product meets our satisfaction, we anticipate procuring a more significant quantity in the future.

Purchase Details:

  • Product Name: Royal Honey
  • Buyer Country: Czech Republic
  • Product Category: Food & Beverage
  • Quantity Required: 5 Boxes
  • Preferred Origin: Malaysia or Turkey

Additional Information: We value high-quality Royal Honey VIP and are open to establishing a lasting business relationship with trustworthy suppliers. The packaging terms are negotiable, and we encourage interested parties to provide detailed quotations addressing our purchase criteria.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Czech Republic
Company Name: Alont xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Tomas xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +420602 xxxxxx

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