Buy Requirement for Saffron - Super Negin/Negin & Pushal

Buyer From India

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 5 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Airworthy.
Shipping Terms: CIF Delhi /Mumbai

Requirement Details

We are seeking quotations from suppliers or exporters for the following saffron products:

  • Product Name: Saffron - Super Negin / Negin & Pushal
  • Buyer from: India
  • Quantity: 5 Kilograms
  • Packing Terms: Airworthy
Please provide a quote that includes:
  • Certificate of Analysis
  • Supply references to India
  • Other relevant certificates
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) of 1/2 kilogram
  • Payment and delivery terms
Upon receipt of the first sample quantity (1/2 KG) and physical verification, further orders will be considered.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Geeta xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Kapil xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919977 xxxxxx

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