Buy Requirement for Shrink Wrap

Buyer From Turkmenistan

Product Category: Paper, Printing & Packaging
Buy Quantity: 100 Tons

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement for Shrink Wrap

  • We are a buyer from Turkmenistan looking for Shrink Wrap.
  • Our business deals with Paper, Printing & Packaging.
  • We require 100 Tons of Shrink Wrap.
  • The thickness we need is 70 micron.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Shrink Wrap needed for packaging purposes.
  • Required quantity: 100 Tons.
  • Thickness required: 70 micron.

Packing Terms:

  • Packaging should be suitable for shipping.
  • Must ensure the safety of the product during transit.
  • Packaging should comply with international standards.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Turkmenistan
Company Name: Hdhdh xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Hxbxb xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +993656 xxxxxx

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