Buy Requirement - SNOY:WF-1000XM5 WH-1000XM4

Buyer From China

Product Category: Sports & Entertainment
Buy Quantity: 6 Square Meters

Requirement Details

Purchase Specifications:

  • We're seeking SONY products, specifically CH520, CH720, WF-1000XM5, WH-1000XM4, and similar items.
  • Monthly orders range from $800,000 to $1 million.
  • Suppliers engaged in wholesale business are welcome.

RFQ Details:

  • Nora from JAB, an import company in Hong Kong, seeks quotations.
  • The focus is on SONY products, especially WF-1000XM5 and WH-1000XM4.
  • Interested suppliers, kindly provide a price list for potential cooperation.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: China
Company Name: Jab xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nora xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +861594 xxxxxx

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