Buy Requirement - Sodium Bisulfate

Buyer From United Kingdom

Product Category: Chemicals
Buy Quantity: 26 Tons
Packing Terms: 1000kg
Shipping Terms: Ex works

Requirement Details

We are a buyer based in the United Kingdom looking for Sodium Bisulfate, a chemical product. Our purchase requirement includes 26 tons, and we prefer packing in 1000kg big bags. The product is expected to be sourced from a reputable manufacturer or supplier in Turkey.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Product Name: Sodium Bisulfate
  • Quantity: 26 Tons
  • Packing Terms: 1000kg big bags

Additional Information:

  • Buyer Country: United Kingdom
  • Business Line: Chemicals
  • Purchase Frequency: Annual usage of 500 tons
  • Shipment Destination: United Kingdom

Important Notes:

  • The Sodium Bisulfate should be sourced from Turkey.
  • The preferred packing method is in 1000kg big bags.

We invite manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters to provide us with a competitive quotation for the specified Sodium Bisulfate quantity meeting our outlined criteria. Please respond with detailed product information, pricing, and shipping terms.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United Kingdom
Company Name: Feci xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Bill xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +447831 xxxxxx

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