Buy Requirement for Spark Plug 1233808 for Jenbacher J320 and J420 Gas Engine

Buyer From Pakistan

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 4 Nos
Packing Terms: TIN
Shipping Terms: BY AIR

Requirement Details

We're looking to purchase 4 units of Spark Plug 1233808 for Jenbacher J320 and J420 Gas Engine. The requirement is for retail purposes initially, with potential for bulk orders upon successful trial.


  • Product Name: Spark Plug 1233808
  • Engine Compatibility: Jenbacher J320 and J420 Gas Engine
  • Quantity: 4 Nos
  • Packing Terms: TIN

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Pakistan
Company Name: Salma xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Muham xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +923160 xxxxxx

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