Buy Requirement for Spark Plug Jenbacher-420 Gas Genset

Buyer From Pakistan

Product Category: Energy & Power
Buy Quantity: 04 Sets

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Pakistan in the field of Energy & Power, seeking reliable manufacturers or suppliers for our specific needs. We require 04 sets of Spark Plug Jenbacher-420 Gas Genset. The spark plug set should consist of 4 pieces with specifications P3V3i.M18x1.5.0.35.P3V3i, and they should be packed in a set of 4 within a durable container (P.N# 1241162) suitable for GE Jenbacher 420.

Purchase Specifications:

  • Product Name: Spark Plug Jenbacher-420 Gas Genset
  • Quantity: 04 Sets
  • Packing Terms: To be provided in a durable container (P.N# 1241162)

Purchase Criteria:
We are looking for spark plugs with the specified model (P3V3i.M18x1.5.0.35.P3V3i) suitable for GE Jenbacher 420. The set should be securely packed in a container for easy handling and transportation.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Pakistan
Company Name: Saif xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ashfa xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +923008 xxxxxx

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