Buy Requirement for Steel Rebar and Floating Glass

Buyer From Mexico

Product Category: Construction & Real Estate
Buy Quantity: 44000 Kilogram
Packing Terms: Wood box for floating glass and bulk for steel rebar in 2 tons bundles
Shipping Terms: FOB

Requirement Details

We are a company based in Mexico, specializing in construction materials. Currently, we are in need of two essential products: steel rebar and floating glass. We are looking for reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters who can provide us with these materials.

Product Requirements:

  • Product Name: Steel Rebar and Floating Glass
  • Buyer Country: Mexico
  • Product or Business Line: Construction & Real Estate
  • Quantity: 44,000 Kilograms
  • Packing Terms: Wood boxes for floating glass and bulk packaging for steel rebar in 2-ton bundles.
If your company can supply these products, please reach out to us with your company details and a quotation.

Contact Information:

  • Buyer: Doi Lei Yun
  • Company: Yaya Importaciones SA de CV
  • Location: Mexico
We look forward to hearing from potential suppliers who can meet our requirements. Thank you for your prompt response.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Mexico
Company Name: Yaya xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Doi L xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +523314 xxxxxx

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