Buy Requirement for Steels Machinery & Industrial Supplies

Buyer From Russia

Product Category: Machinery & Industrial Supplies
Buy Quantity: 1000 Square Meters

Requirement Details

We're looking to procure steels machinery & industrial supplies for our operations in Russia. Here are the details:

  • Product Name: Steels Machinery & Industrial Supplies
  • Quantity: 1000 Square Meters

Purchase Specifications:

  • Steel machinery & industrial supplies needed for our operations in Russia.
  • Products must meet industry standards and regulations.
  • Quality assurance is a priority.

Purchase Criteria:

  • High-quality steel materials for industrial use.
  • Durability and reliability are essential.
  • Competitive pricing for bulk purchases.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Russia
Company Name: Marub xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Alexs xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +708753 xxxxxx

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