Buy Requirement for SUGAR ICUMSA 45

Buyer From India

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 12500 Tons

Requirement Details

We're looking to buy SUGAR ICUMSA 45!

Buyer Details:

  • Country: India
  • Business Line: Food & Beverage
  • Quantity Needed: 12500 Tons

Packing Terms: To be discussed.

Purchase Details: We're in search of high-quality Refined Sugar ICUMSA 45, and we need it regularly in bulk quantities. Our destination port is Jebal Ali, UAE. We're even open to purchasing full vessel loads under high sea sales terms, provided it can reach Jebal Ali port quickly. Additionally, we're interested in CIF terms for a 12500 tons per month contract.

If you're a manufacturer or exporter, please send us your price quotation and sales procedure.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: India
Company Name: Naush xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Luqma xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +919443 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement for SUGAR ICUMSA 45

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