Buy Requirement for Suger 45 Refined

Buyer From Canada

Product Category: Food & Beverage
Buy Quantity: 30 Tons
Packing Terms: 20kg bags
Shipping Terms: To mine address

Requirement Details

We are looking to purchase 30 tons of Suger 45 Refined for our food and beverage business in Canada. The preferred packaging is 20kg bags. We aim to procure a minimum of a 40-foot container. Please provide information on shipping to Canada, along with your quoted price. Our preferred payment method is through PayPal goods and services.

Purchase Criteria:

  1. Quantity: 30 Tons
  2. Packaging: 20kg bags
  3. Shipping Destination: Canada
  4. Minimum Order: 40-foot container
  5. Payment Method: PayPal goods and services

B2B Buying Needs: We seek reliable manufacturers or suppliers capable of fulfilling our bulk purchase requirements for Suger 45 Refined. Quality, competitive pricing, and efficient shipping to Canada are our primary considerations.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Canada
Company Name: Sprin xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Mark xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +130675 xxxxxx

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