Buy Requirement - Svetocopy 80gsm

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Office Supplies
Buy Quantity: 8000 Pieces
Packing Terms: Box
Shipping Terms: To Uzbekistan

Requirement Details

-    Buy Requirement: Svetocopy 80gsm
-    Buyer Country: United States
-    Quantity: 8000 Pieces
-    Packing Terms: Box

Manufacturer, Supplier, or Exporter, please provide a quotation for the following product requirement:

-    Product Name: Svetocopy 80gsm
-    Buyer From: United States
-    Quantity: 8000 reams needed

Please include details such as pricing, delivery terms, and any additional charges. We look forward to your prompt response.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name:
Premi xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Yusuf xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+141292 xxxxxx

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