Buy Requirement for T-shirts and Polo Shirts

Buyer From Spain

Product Category: Sports & Entertainment
Packing Terms: Shipping
Shipping Terms: DHL

Requirement Details

Golden Investment Inc, based in Spain with operational hubs in Africa, specializes in importing products from Europe, America, and China. With a turnover exceeding US$2.5 million, we are seeking reliable Manufacturers & Suppliers for the purchase of T-shirts and Polo Shirts.

Buyer Information:
  • Company Name: Golden Investment Inc
  • Location: Spain, with trading offices/warehouses in Africa
  • Trading Volume: Over US$2.5 Million in 2020
Product Requirement:
  • Products Needed: T-shirts, Polo Shirts
  • Quantity: 20,000 pieces
  • Business Sector: Sports & Entertainment
  • Packing Terms: Shipping
Purchase Details:
  • Seeking quotations from Manufacturers & Suppliers
  • Interested in product details, prices, and payment terms
  • Requesting product images for review
Business Opportunity:
  • Aim to establish a long-term business partnership
  • Intend to import products regularly for distribution in Africa
  • Focus on creating a mutually beneficial relationship

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Spain
Company Name: Golde xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Cyria xxxxxxxx
Company Address: calle xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +346122 xxxxxx

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