Buy Requirement for Telpo TPS900

Buyer From United States

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 1300 Units
Packing Terms: New
Shipping Terms: Usa

Requirement Details

We're seeking quotations from manufacturers or suppliers for the Telpo TPS900 terminals. Here's what we need:

  • Product: Telpo TPS900 terminals
  • Quantity Required: 1300 units
  • Destination: United States
  • Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
  • Packaging: New

Purchase Specifications:

  • Terminals brand: Telpo
  • Model: TPS900

Price Range Inquiry:

We're interested in knowing the pricing for the following ranges:

  • 1-300 units
  • 301-500 units
  • 501-800 units
  • 801-1000 units
  • 1000-1500 units

Buyer Information

Buyer From: United States
Company Name: Siner xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Nicol xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +130523 xxxxxx

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