Buy Requirement - Thamarind Charcoal

Buyer From Korea South

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 20 Tons
Packing Terms: 25kgs carton box
Shipping Terms: CIF Incheon. Korea South

Requirement Details

We are currently seeking reliable manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters for Thamarind Charcoal. The product must meet specific criteria, including a calorie value of 6,000+ Kcal/1kg, maximum moisture content of 12%, ash content of 4%, and fixed carbon percentage of 70.

The desired origin is Indonesia. We intend to purchase 20 tons, and the packing terms should be in 25kgs carton boxes. Interested parties are invited to provide a quotation for this requirement.

1. Calrorie valur : 6,000+ Kcal/1kg
2. Moistire : 12% Max
3. Ash Contemt : 4%
4. Fixed Carbon : 70
5. Origin ; Indonesia

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Korea South
Company Name: Inhan xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Khan xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +821030 xxxxxx

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