Buy Requirement for White Sugar ICUSMA-45

Buyer From Oman

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 25 Tons
Packing Terms: Lc payment, CIF to Sohar port - Oman /certificate of origin - health certificate approved by Oman embassy - Invoice
Shipping Terms: CIF to Sohar port - Oman

Requirement Details

We are a buyer from Oman in the Agro & Agriculture sector looking to purchase 25 tons of White Sugar ICUSMA-45. Our preferred payment method is Letter of Credit (LC). We require shipment delivery on a CIF basis to Sohar port, Oman.

Additionally, we request the inclusion of necessary documentation, such as a certificate of origin and a health certificate approved by the Oman embassy, along with the invoice.

Purchase Specifications:
  • Product: White Sugar ICUSMA-45
  • Quantity: 25 Tons
  • Payment Terms: LC (Letter of Credit)
  • Shipment Terms: CIF to Sohar port, Oman
  • Required Documentation: Certificate of Origin, Health Certificate approved by Oman embassy, Invoice

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Oman
Company Name: Majan xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Ali A xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +968922 xxxxxx

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