Buy Requirement for Woven and Knitted Garments

Buyer From New Zealand

Product Category: Apparel & Fashion
Buy Quantity: 300 Piece

Requirement Details

We're a buyer from New Zealand seeking reliable manufacturers or suppliers for woven and knitted garments. Our purchase requirement involves 300 pieces of these apparel and fashion items. We're specifically looking for woven and knitted garment factories that can meet our B2B buying needs.

We require high-quality woven and knitted garments meeting industry standards. The products should be durable, comfortable, and suitable for the apparel and fashion market.

We prefer secure and efficient packing methods to ensure the safe arrival of the garments to our location in New Zealand.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: New Zealand
Company Name: Red R xxxxxxxx
Contact Person: Willi xxxxxxxx
Contact No: +642102 xxxxxx

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