Hizoom Poultry

Maharashtra, India

Company Description

About Hizoom Poultry

Member Information

Business Type :
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Exporter
Founded in : 2021
Employees : 11-50
Member Since : 06 Aug 2024
Membership Type : Free Member
Business Category : Food & Beverage

Company Overview

Company Name:
Hizoom Poultry
Business Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Exporter
Contact Number:
Register Address:
Bhawanipeth pune
Zip Code:
Quality Control Policy :
Hizoom Poultry Quality Control Policy

1. Objective:
To ensure that all poultry products meet the highest standards of quality, safety, and hygiene, thereby exceeding customer expectations and complying with regulatory requirements.

2. Scope:
This policy applies to all stages of production, from sourcing raw materials to processing, packaging, and distribution.

3. Quality Standards:

• Raw Material Sourcing: We source poultry from reputable farms that adhere to ethical and sustainable farming practices. All suppliers are vetted and must meet our quality and safety criteria.
• Processing: Our facilities are equipped with state-of-the-art technology and follow stringent hygiene protocols to prevent contamination. We adhere to international standards for processing, including temperature control and sanitary practices.
• Packaging: We use high-quality, tamper-evident packaging that ensures product integrity and extends shelf life. Packaging materials are chosen to maintain freshness and comply with export regulations.

4. Hygiene and Safety:

• Facility Cleanliness: Regular cleaning and sanitization schedules are maintained for all equipment, utensils, and production areas.
• Employee Health: Employees undergo health screenings and receive training in food safety and hygiene practices to prevent contamination.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is provided and mandatory for all staff involved in handling and processing poultry products.

5. Inspection and Testing:

• Incoming Goods: All raw materials are inspected upon arrival to ensure they meet quality and safety standards.
• In-Process Monitoring: Regular checks and monitoring are conducted during processing to ensure compliance with quality standards.
• Final Inspection: Finished products undergo rigorous inspection and testing, including checks for contaminants, proper labeling, and adherence to specifications.

6. Documentation and Traceability:

• Record Keeping: Detailed records are maintained for all stages of production, including sourcing, processing, and distribution. This ensures traceability and facilitates audits.
• Quality Assurance Documentation: Certificates of analysis, health certificates, and other relevant documentation are provided as required.

7. Corrective Actions:

• Non-Conformance: Any deviations from quality standards are addressed promptly. Corrective actions are implemented, and processes are reviewed to prevent recurrence.
• Continuous Improvement: We regularly review and update our quality control processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

8. Compliance:

• Regulatory Adherence: We comply with all relevant local and international food safety and quality regulations, including FSSAI, USDA, and others as applicable.
• Certifications: We maintain necessary certifications and undergo periodic audits to ensure compliance with industry standards.

9. Training:

• Staff Training: All employees receive ongoing training in quality control, food safety, and hygiene practices to ensure they are up-to-date with the latest standards and procedures.

10. Customer Feedback:

• Monitoring and Response: We actively seek and monitor customer feedback to address any concerns and improve our quality control measures.
Main Products: