Jakir And Fashion Ltd

Verified Supplier

Company Description

About Jakir And Fashion Ltd

Member Information

Business Type :
  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter
Founded in : 2020
Employees : 1-5
Member Since : 13 Feb 2022
Membership Type : Premium (BUSINESS)
Business Category : Apparel & Fashion

Company Overview

Company Name:
Jakir And Fashion Ltd
Business Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter
Contact Number:
Register Address:
1/g Ringroad
Zip Code:
After Sell Services & Supports :
After sell - damage product can be return.
Quality Control Policy :
Standard quality control policy
Main Products:
Garments products

Factory Information

Factory demo name
Factory address
Contact Person:
Contact person

Factory Image

Factory demo name

Company Photos

  • Jakir And Fashion Ltd
  • Jakir And Fashion Ltd
  • Jakir And Fashion Ltd
  • Jakir And Fashion Ltd