Company Description

About Marium Oxygen

Member Information

Business Type :
  • Wholesaler
Founded in : 2019
Employees : 1-5
Member Since : 17 Oct 2021
Membership Type : Free Member
Business Category : Health & Medical

Company Overview

Company Name:
Marium Oxygen
Business Type:
  • Wholesaler
Contact Number:
Register Address:
Zip Code:
After Sell Services & Supports :
Oxygen Cylinder Dhaka sales and rental facility is available at the Dhaka Sales Centre.
Our Security Attendants are specially training and assigned for giving prompt service to the individual Medical
Oxygen customers at Dhanmondhi Sales Centre Gate.
Once the customer enters the sales centre, so security will receive. The empty cylinder(s) at gate house and raise colored gate entry slip (priority service) and handed over to customer for raising invoice.
Quality Control Policy :
Customer will go to Sales counter with the colored gate entry slip and CSA will serve the customer on priority basis.
Security Attendant will provide full cylinder to the customer against invoice.
Estimated time needed to serve each customer is five – seven minutes, Oxygen Cylinder.
Leaflets in Bengali/English are available at Gate House and customer service counter for further reference.
Main Products:
Oxygen cylinder