Buy Requirement - Electric Motor Scrap

Buyer From Pakistan

Product Category: Electronics & Electrical
Buy Quantity: 50 Tons

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: Electric Motor Scrap
-    Product Name: Electric Motor Scrap
-    Buyer From: Pakistan

-    Quantity Needed: 50 Tons
-    Packing Terms: Please specify packaging details.

Purchase Criteria:
-    Product Specification: Include details on the type and condition of the electric motor scrap.
-    Price Information: Provide a quotation including the unit price and total cost.
-    Delivery Terms: Specify delivery terms and shipping costs.
-    Payment Terms: Outline payment options and terms.
-    Availability: Confirm if you have the stock available.

Contact Information:
-    Location: Pakistan
-    Contact: Reach out to us if you can fulfill this requirement.

Manufacturers, suppliers, or exporters are invited to provide their quotations for this requirement.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Pakistan
Company Name:
Hashi xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Fakha xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+923007 xxxxxx

Product Photo

  • Buy Requirement - Electric Motor Scrap

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