Buy Requirement - Icumsa 45 Brazillian Sugar

Buyer From Bangladesh

Product Category: Agro & Agriculture
Buy Quantity: 12500 Metric Tons
Packing Terms: 50 Kg Bags PP

Requirement Details

Buy Requirement: ICUMSA 45 Brazilian Sugar
-    Buyer Country: Bangladesh
-    Quantity Needed: 12,500 Metric Tons per month, totaling 150,000 Metric Tons annually
-    Packing Terms: 50 Kg Bags, PP (Polypropylene)

-    Product Name: ICUMSA 45 Brazilian Sugar
-    Purchase Criteria: The product should meet international standards for ICUMSA 45 grade sugar.
-    B2B Buying Needs: We require a consistent supply for an annual contract.
-    B2B Sourcing Requests: Suppliers and exporters are invited to submit quotations for the specified quantity.
-    Business-to-Business Sourcing Preferences: Interested parties should offer competitive pricing and reliable delivery schedules.
-    B2B Purchasing Priorities: We are looking for suppliers who can ensure timely deliveries and adhere to quality specifications.

Contact Information:
-    Name: Engr. Tanvir Bin Alam
-    Position: Chief Technical Officer

We look forward to establishing a strong and reliable business relationship with your company. Please provide your quotation and relevant details at your earliest convenience.

Buyer Information

Buyer From: Bangladesh
Company Name:
Doors xxxxxxxx
Contact Person:
Tanvi xxxxxxxx
Contact No:
+880183 xxxxxx

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